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Santa Ana Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

According to data collected by the California Highway Patrol, there were a total of 3,664 serious injury and fatality motorcycle crashes in California in 2023. Nationally, the NHTSA notes that in 2020 alone, there were 5,579 motorcyclists killed in accidents, representing a total of 14% of all traffic fatalities that year, while other NHTSA data notes that motorcyclists represent just 3% of all vehicles on the road. The rate of injury and death of motorcyclists is alarming, and if you or a loved one has been injured in one, the costs to your family can be substantial. 

When you are injured in a motorcycle accident caused by another party, you are entitled to collect compensation for your injuries. The Santa Ana motorcycle accident lawyers from our firm are available to review your situation to determine if you have a claim for the damages resulting from your motorcycle accident. We’ll take the time to carefully review the facts and circumstances of your accident, help to schedule appointments with medical and occupational experts, and negotiate the best possible settlement or outcome in your claim or case. 

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents 

Drivers on the road have a responsibility towards others on the road, whether they are fellow motorists, motorcyclists, bicyclists, or even pedestrians. Some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents caused by other parties that we have assisted our clients in recovering compensation on include: 

  • Distracted driving – according to the CA Office of Traffic Safety, distracted driving is dangerous, and the use of a handheld cell phone or smartphone while driving is illegal. When a driver is engaging in distracted driving, they are a danger to others on the road. The CDC notes that over 3,100 people were killed and 424,000 were injured in 2019 alone due to crashes involving distracted driving. 
  • Drunk driving – all drunk driving accidents are preventable, and all drunk drivers who make the conscious decision to get behind the wheel are liable for the damages that they cause in accidents. 
  • Drowsy driving – according to the Large Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS) published by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, some 13% of commercial motor vehicle drivers were considered fatigued at the time they were in a crash. Drivers who are drowsy are unable to effectively pay attention and respond to changes in road conditions, and when the motor vehicle is a large truck the injuries to motorcyclists who are hit can be catastrophic. 
  • Equipment and vehicle malfunctions – when an accident is caused by a vehicle malfunction such as defective brakes or steering, the manufacturer of the equipment may be liable for the resulting damages. We can help you determine which party is at fault for the accident, whether another motorist or an equipment manufacturer, and collect the damages that you deserve. 

Your Santa Ana Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Proves Fault and Builds Your Case

It is important to understand that you are not automatically provided with the damages that you are entitled to for your injuries after your motorcycle accident, instead, you must file a claim with the insurance company of the at-fault party. They may offer a settlement that may or may not cover your damages, or your claim could be denied, learning of the need to file a lawsuit to collect your damages.

To file a claim for your Santa Ana motorcycle accident injuries, you must:

  • Gather evidence to prove the fault of the other party, 
  • Collect your current medical bills and proof of lost wages, 
  • Estimate the long-term costs linked to your injuries including medical and mental health costs,
  • Estimate your long-term lost earnings potential 
  • Measure and prove any changes in your ability to enjoy life

The attorneys at the Law Offices of Benjamin Arsenian have a network of medical and occupational experts to assist in the accurate measuring and production of evidence to support your claim. We’ll use legal instruments like requests for production and depositions to gather evidence from the opposing party and witnesses in support of your case, providing you support through every step of the process. 

Common Injuries that Result from Motorcycle Accidents 

Motorcyclists do not have the benefit of a metal chassis surrounding them while driving, and while helmets are life-saving, they are not capable of preventing a great many injuries. When a motor vehicle strikes a cyclist, the injuries are often long-term and life-altering. As we’ll consider below, when your injuries lead to long-term changes in the way you live your life, your medical needs, and your ability to work, you could be entitled to compensation. 

The most common injuries we have helped clients win cases on include: 

  • Traumatic brain injury – often referred to as TBI, a traumatic brain injury happens when you experience a bump, blow, or penetrating wound to your head that causes your brain to be injured. When your head suddenly moves in a particular direction or strikes an object, your brain hits the inside of your skull, which can result in bruising and internal bleeding. TBIs can lead to permanent changes in brain chemistry that 
  • Neck and back injury – neck and back injuries are common during motorcycle accidents and can include herniated discs between the vertebrae of your neck and back. These kinds of injuries can lead to long-term pain and require pain management, therapy, and at times extensive surgery and recovery to move past. 
  • Spinal cord injury (SCI) and paralysis – while mild to moderate neck and back injuries can lead to long-term pain, discomfort, and limited mobility, if you experience a severe spinal cord injury you can experience temporary or permanent changes in sensation, movement, strength, and the function of your body below the injury site. Spinal cord injuries are either complete or incomplete, regarding the level of sensation and nerve communication at and below the injury site. 
  • Loss of limb – the loss or loss of function of a limb is a debilitating injury that also has psychological implications for the injured party. This type of catastrophic injury can be complicated to determine the long-term costs of, and working with experienced Santa Ana motorcycle accident lawyers will ensure that your case is accurately measured and pursued. 
  • Wrongful death – if you have lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident that was caused by another party, surviving spouses and other qualifying family members may be able to bring a wrongful death suit. While no amount of money can replace someone lost in a tragic accident, the purpose of a wrongful death claim is to replace the lost economic value of your loved one to your household to enable your family to maintain financial stability following your loss. 

Gathering evidence from the other parties involved in the accident, their insurance companies, any witnesses, and your medical provider and other specialists will generally be the last thing on your mind following a motorcycle accident. Reaching out to a local Santa Ana motorcycle accident lawyer from the Law Offices of Benjamin Arsenian will support the best possible outcome in your case. 

Connect with Our Santa Ana Motorcycle Accident Lawyers 

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, we are here to help. Whether you have experienced a debilitating injury, or have lost a loved one to a motorcycle accident, we can help. We step into your shoes and handle the negotiations with the at-fault party’s insurance company on your behalf to ensure the best possible settlement for your claim or outcome in your case if the insurance company will not come to a fair settlement. 

While you might worry that you cannot afford an attorney to help with your Santa Ana motorcycle accident, that is not the case. Your initial consultation is provided free of charge, and if we take your case, we only get paid if we win. This is because we take personal injury cases on contingency, which means our payment comes out of a portion of your settlement or case win that we’ll agree upon before getting started. You have no out-of-pocket expenses. Ever. 

To learn how we can help, give us a call at 714-400-2000, or contact us to schedule your initial consultation. 


How much is my Santa Ana motorcycle accident worth? 

When the accident that led to your injuries was caused by someone else, they could be liable for your present and future medical bills, lost wages and earnings, and in some instances pain and suffering. 

How do I collect what I could be entitled to? 

You must prove the damages you are seeking with evidence, then file a claim with the insurance company of the at-fault party. 

How can the Santa Ana motorcycle accident lawyers from the Law Offices of Benjamin Arsenian help? 

After your initial free consultation, if we determine that we can help we handle your case from start to finish on your behalf, and only get paid if we win.